Advertise with ‘The Pulse PTC’
Promote Your Business to Our Engaged, and Supportive Community!
Are you looking to reach a dynamic audience and showcase your brand or services in Peachtree City? ‘The Pulse PTC’ offers a unique opportunity to connect with our community, share your message, and support local journalism.
Our weekly digital format is intentionally brief to meet readers where they live: ON THE GO.
We give them snapshots of things they need to know and highlight a few local businesses at a time, so each read is thoughtful and stays with the reader. Short by the week, pieces to read more about on our webpage. We also host events and ways to engage in our community. Our digital content and events create customers for you for life.
Explore our advertising rate sheet and discover the various advertising options, including banner ads, sponsored content, and newsletter features. We offer flexible packages to suit your marketing goals and budget.
- Sponsor name integrated into the header with “Sponsored by” messaging
- Includes a Sponsored Story (120 words, links, and branded photo)
- Investment
- $500/publication
- $400/publication, if 4 or more are purchased at once
- $75/social post for expanded exposure
- Includes a Sponsored Story (50 words & links)
- Investment:
- $375/publication
- $325/publication, if 4 or more are purchased at once
- $75/social post for expanded exposure
Ready to Advertise with Us? Please fill out the form below to express your interest in advertising with ‘The Pulse PTC.’ Our team will get in touch with you to discuss your advertising needs and tailor a strategy that works for you.
Thank you for considering ‘The Pulse PTC’ as a platform to promote your business. We look forward to helping you connect with our vibrant community!